Journal title | Indonesian Journal Economy and Management |
Initials | IJEM |
Abbreviation | Indo. J. Economy and Management |
Publiser | Pusat Kajian Ekonomi, Bisnis & UMKM Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Patompo |
e ISSN | 3026-2798 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year| March and September |
DOI | - |
Editor-in-chief | Andi Aris Manttunruang, Universitas Patompo Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia |
Organized | Yayasan Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar (YASPIM) |
Citation Analysis | Scopus | Web of Science | Sinta | Dimensions | Google Scholar |
Indonesian Journal Economy and Management (IJEM), is published twice a year, in March and September, by the Faculty of Economics, University of Patompo. IJEM aims to: 1. Promote the latest research results on Economics, Accounting and Management. 2. Publish only Management research results (such as Marketing Management, Financial Management, HR Management, Operations/Production Management, Business Management, etc.), Accounting, Economics and or Entrepreneurship as knowledge development. All articles should be in English and Indonesian Languange.
IJEM: accepts papers with the above objectives and scope. The editorial board decides which papers will be published in IJEM after being reviewed by the appointed reviewers (double blind review). Authors will be notified of reviewer comments and suggestions.
OAI Address
The Scientechno: Journal of Science and Technology is published by Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarul Thufulah, West Sumatra, Indonesia. has OAI address:
You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the IJEM paper Template, has been carefully proofread and polished and conformed to the author guidelines.
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Indonesian Journal Economy and Management (IJEM) this Journal is an Open Access Journal with e-ISSN 3026-2798 BRIN Decree Number: 30262798/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/11/2023 of 2023. Published twice a year, in March and September, by the Faculty of Economics, University of Patompo. IJEM aims to:
1. Promote the latest research results on Economics, Accounting and Management.
2. Publish only Management research results (such as Marketing Management, Financial Management, HR Management, Operations/Production Management, Business Management, etc.), Accounting, Economics and or Entrepreneurship as knowledge development.
IJEM accepts papers with the above objectives and scope. The editorial board decides which papers will be published in IJEM after being reviewed by the appointed reviewers (double blind review). Authors will be notified of reviewer comments and suggestions.
Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2025): Indonesian Journal of Economics and Management
Published: 2025-02-19