Transformation of Economics Learning in High Schools with Problem Based Learning Modules


  • Asisah Asisah Department of Economic Education, Postgraduate School Student, Universitas Patompo, Makassar 90233, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
  • Muh. Yunus Department of Economic Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Patompo, Makassar 90233, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Elpisah Elpisah Department of Economic Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Patompo, Makassar 90233, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


academic performance, motivates, educational quality, Problem-Based Learning


Developing learning modules as teaching materials involves four stages: Definition, Design, Development, and Dissemination. Well-structured materials are crucial for supporting and enhancing student motivation to master subjects. Common teaching problems, curriculum, and student needs are analyzed in the Definition stage. The Design stage includes creating a structured economics module for management topics. The Development stage involves expert validation and trials in small and regular class settings. The Evaluation stage assesses the module's effectiveness. Validated by four experts, the module scored an overall average of 4.42, which was deemed valid. Experts rated presentation feasibility at 4.60, graphical feasibility at 4.22, and content and language feasibility at 4.50 and 4.36, respectively. Student field trial assessments showed scores of 4.41 for presentation, 4.61 for graphics, 4.50 for content, and 4.53 for language. The module significantly increased student motivation and reduced boredom, with high engagement in class activities. Observations showed active student participation, attendance, and cooperation. Implementing the module resulted in significant performance improvements, with 83.33% of students scoring between 85-100 and 86.11% achieving mastery, surpassing the 85% success criteria. The economics learning module effectively enhances student motivation and academic success through its comprehensive design and validation process, ensuring quality and suitability for educational purposes.


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How to Cite

Asisah, A., Yunus, M., & Elpisah, E. (2024). Transformation of Economics Learning in High Schools with Problem Based Learning Modules. Journal of Social Sustainability Impact, 2(1), 72–86. Retrieved from



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