The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Increasing the Learning Independence of Elementary School Students
academic performance, self-directed learning, emotional intelligence, learning outcomesAbstract
This research aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the emotional intelligence and self-directed learning levels among fourth-grade students at primary school and investigate the significant relationship between these two variables. The study utilized a descriptive correlational research design with a quantitative approach. The total population of the study consisted of 182 students, from which a sample of 34 fourth-grade students was selected using purposive sampling. Data collection methods included the distribution of questionnaires and documentation techniques. The analysis was conducted using descriptive techniques, presenting percentages, and inferential analyses involving prerequisite tests such as normality and linearity. Hypothesis testing was conducted using the Pearson correlation test. The findings indicated that the emotional intelligence level of fourth-grade students at primary school was rated reasonably good, with a descriptive percentage of 64.71%. The self-directed learning levels were also considered reasonably good, with a descriptive percentage of 44.12%. Furthermore, the study revealed a significant association between emotional intelligence and self-directed learning among fourth-grade students at primary school. This was supported by a probability value of 0.034, lower than the significance level of 0.05, and a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.578, exceeding the tabulated value of 0.287. The findings of this study have several important implications for educators, parents, and policymakers. Enhancing emotional intelligence in students may lead to improved self-directed learning abilities, which are crucial for lifelong learning and academic success. Schools should consider incorporating emotional intelligence training into their curricula to foster better learning outcomes.
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