Enhancing Teacher Creativity and Educational Quality at Elementary Schools: A Principal Strategic Approach
good co-operation, school principals, strategies employed, teacher creativityAbstract
This research aims to investigate the strategies employed by school principals to enhance teacher creativity and identify the supporting factors and barriers faced by school principals in fostering teacher creativity. The research methodology utilized is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The findings of this study reveal that the strategies employed by the school principal of Taraweang Kabba Elementary School, nestled in the Minasate'ne District of Pangkep Regency, within the picturesque landscapes of South Sulawesi Province to enhance teacher creativity include holding monthly staff meetings evaluating teacher performance, providing teacher training, participating in subject teacher working groups (MGMP), attending seminars and workshops on IT-based learning, assisting teachers in problem-solving during teaching, fostering communication, setting examples, and directing teachers to use various teaching methods such as different teaching styles, developing instructional media, designing teaching materials, fostering teacher-student interactions, and developing teaching methods. Supporting factors and barriers school principals face in enhancing teacher creativity are identified. Supporting factors include adequate educational backgrounds with bachelor's and master's degrees, teacher response to innovation, strong motivation, good co-operation, adequate facilities, comfortable working environments, and strong committee support. Meanwhile, barriers include differing attitudes, backgrounds, and social statuses among teachers, a shortage of permanent teacher personnel, inadequate relationships between the school and parents, travel distance for official duties, respect towards older teachers, limited school electricity supply, teachers' lack of computer operational skills, and underutilization of existing IT media. Through understanding these factors, school principals can effectively implement strategies to enhance teacher creativity and address barriers to create a conducive learning environment.
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