Aims and Scope

The Journal of Social Sustainability Impact positions itself as a pivotal publication for disseminating research that spans various disciplines, each contributing uniquely to our understanding of social sustainability. The journal's primary focus is to publish research articles that explore the impact of multiple fields - cultural, legal, political, psychological, educational, social, and technological - on society. This broad scope highlights the journal's commitment to addressing the multifaceted aspects of social sustainability, underlining the interconnectedness of these diverse domains.

Each article in the journal aims to shed light on how research in these varied fields affects and shapes societal norms, policies, and practices. By doing so, the journal serves as a critical platform for academics, practitioners, and policymakers to gain insights into the complex interplay between different research areas and their implications for social sustainability. The aim is to foster a deeper understanding of how cultural, legal, political, psychological, educational, social, and technological factors converge to impact society and how society can adapt and evolve in response to these influences.