The Influence of Regional Public Service Agencies in Vocational High Schools on the Development of Students' Entrepreneurial Spirit
public service agency, entrepreneurship, vocational high school, teaching factoryAbstract
A significant problem many alums of vocational high schools’ face is the limited employment opportunities in industries, contributing to high unemployment rates. Graduates often consider entrepreneurship as an alternative path, especially after the implementation of the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD). This study aims to understand the potential of BLUD at a vocational high school in Barru Regency, describe the entrepreneurial spirit among its students, and investigate the influence of BLUD on their entrepreneurial development. Conducted using a quantitative ex post facto approach, the study involves 244 twelfth-grade students, with a sample of 49. Data collection methods include field research, library research, observation, documentation, and questionnaires. Findings indicate that BLUD's potential falls within the 'good' category, with 44.90% frequency. Students at vocational high school demonstrate a high tendency towards entrepreneurial spirit, predominantly within the 'very good' category, with a frequency of 40.82%. Furthermore, BLUD significantly influences entrepreneurial development among students, accounting for 86.8% of the variance, with 13.2% influenced by other unexplored factors. The analysis underscores BLUD's positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial development among vocational high school students, with many expressing interests in entrepreneurship post-graduation.
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