An Examination of Social Science Learning Outcomes Using Group Work and Individual Assignments: Educational Strategies in Focus
teaching methods, learning outcomes, student engagement, individual assignmentsAbstract
This research aims to provide valuable insights into utilizing group work and individual assignments within Social Studies education at the junior high school level. It adopts a quasi-experimental research approach, focusing on the student population of Gowa Regency's middle schools. A sample of 60 students participated in this study, utilizing observation guidelines and curriculum-aligned tests as research instruments. Data analysis encompassed both descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The research findings are significant, revealing the impact of teaching methods. The group work method applied in the experimental class resulted in noteworthy improvements in learning outcomes, evident through increased average scores in both pre-tests and post-tests. The individual task approach used in the control class also enhanced learning outcomes, as evidenced by improved pre-test and post-test scores. A comparative analysis between the average post-test results of the two groups, one employing the Group Work Method and the other the Individual Task Method, showcased a significant disparity. Students in the group work method class achieved notably higher learning outcomes in the domain of social studies in comparison to their counterparts in the individual task method class. These findings underscore the pedagogical effectiveness of group work strategies and individual assignments in the context of Social Studies education, providing valuable guidance for educators and policymakers looking to enhance the learning experiences of junior high school students.
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