The Urgency of Behavioral Change Towards Environmental Sustainability: A Study of Students' Pro-Environmental Behavior at University
Pro-Environment, General Ecological Behavior, Recycling, Energy conservation, Mobility, and transportationAbstract
Humans cannot live without using natural resources, but consciously or unconsciously, the use of natural resources by humans damages the environment. The environmental damage that leads to a decrease in environmental quality is caused by humans, which has an impact on increasing air pollution, water contamination, soil contamination, ecosystem damage, wildlife extinction, and others. The six aspects studied are pro-environmental behavior, namely, 1) energy conservation, 2) mobility and transportation, 3) avoiding waste, 4) recycling, 5) consumerism, and 6) conservation. Because this study has a population of 4164 students, the researcher took a sample of 10% of the population. Thus, the sample taken in this study was 416 students of the Faculty of Engineering, Makassar State University. Sampling in this study used a random sampling technique because the study population was homogeneous. This study used a questionnaire instrument from the General Ecological Behavior Scale that has been adapted into Indonesian General Ecological Behavior. The scale consists of 6 aspects, 33 items, and five answer choices: (1) Never, (2) Rarely, (3) Sometimes, (4) Often, (5) Always. The data analysis technique used in this study is Confirmatory factor Analysis (CFA). CFA analysis will be processed using the AMOS 22 Program. This study shows a relationship between attitudes toward the environment and pro-environmental behavior. Individuals who have positive attitudes towards the environment can increase pro-environmental behavior.
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