Analyzing the Impact of the 2013 Curriculum and Teacher Performance on Innovation and Achievement in Elementary Schools
learning achievements, educational policies, student outcomes, curriculum implementation, quality of educationAbstract
This research analyzes the impact of implementing the 2013 curriculum and teachers' teaching performance on students' learning achievements at Elementary School Mamajang II in Makassar City. The study employs a quantitative approach with an explanatory research design to investigate the relationship between research variables. Data collection took place in August 2021, with a sample of 41 students from grades 4 to 6 selected through random sampling. Data analysis was conducted using the multiple linear regression formula and SPSS 21 statistical software. Additionally, research instrument testing was carried out to ensure the validity and reliability of the measurement tools. The study's findings reveal that implementing the 2013 curriculum and teachers' teaching performance individually positively and statistically significantly influence when considered simultaneously; both factors exhibit a positive and significant impact. The remaining 82.80% variance in students' learning achievements is attributed to unexamined variables. This research contributes significantly to understanding the factors that shape students' learning achievements within the context of Elementary School Mamajang II in Makassar City. The outcomes of this study can serve as a foundation for developing more effective educational policies and strategies to enhance students' learning outcomes. By recognizing the importance of curriculum implementation and teacher performance, educational stakeholders can make informed decisions to improve the quality of education in similar settings.
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