Uji Stabilitas Formulasi Pasta Gigi Herbal Ekstrak Daun Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) dan Daun Sirih ( Piper betle L.)


  • Elfira Jumrah Universitas Negeri Makassar


Jatrhopa, Betel, toothpaste, stability test


Jatropha curcas L, known as the jatropha plant, is used by the community as a medicine for canker sores, and toothache medicine, medicine for itching, anti-bacterial and antioxidant. Piper betle L, known as the betel plant, is used by the public to eliminate bad breath, canker sores, itching, vaginal discharge in women and body odor. The aim of this research was to test the stability of herbal toothpaste extracts from jatropha and betel leaves in accordance with SNI 12-3524-1995. Based on stability tests through organoleptic tests, pH tests, adhesion tests, spreadability tests, foam height tests and content tests. water showed that the herbal toothpaste made from the formulation of jatropha and betel leaf extracts complies with SNI 12-3524-1995.

Keywords: Jatrhopa, Betel, toothpaste, stability test


