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Sharia banking is an intermediation institution that provides financial services to the community where all activities are carried out based on Islamic ethics and principles. In its operations, Islamic banks provide and charge compensation based on the sharia principles of buying and selling and profit sharing so that these banks are often also called interest-free banks (riba). The sharia banking regulations in Indonesia began in Law No. 7 of 1992 using the term bank based on the principle of profit sharing and also in Law No. 10 of 1998 providing greater opportunities for the growth and development of sharia banking in Indonesia. The practical implementation of this Law is provided by BI Regulations, covering various aspects related to sharia banking products and operations. E-Banking is one of the bank service products which includes a system to make it easy for bank customers, both individuals and businesses, to access accounts, carry out business transactions or obtain information on bank products and services via private or public networks, including the internet via electronic smart devices such as computer/PC, laptop, PDA, ATM, or telephone/smartphone.
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Sharia banking is an intermediation institution that provides financial services to the community where all activities are carried out based on Islamic ethics and principles. In its operations, Islamic banks provide and charge compensation based on the sharia principles of buying and selling and profit sharing so that these banks are often also called interest-free banks (riba). The sharia banking regulations in Indonesia began in Law No. 7 of 1992 using the term bank based on the principle of profit sharing and also in Law No. 10 of 1998 providing greater opportunities for the growth and development of sharia banking in Indonesia. The practical implementation of this Law is provided by BI Regulations, covering various aspects related to sharia banking products and operations. E-Banking is one of the bank service products which includes a system to make it easy for bank customers, both individuals and businesses, to access accounts, carry out business transactions or obtain information on bank products and services via private or public networks, including the internet via electronic smart devices such as computer/PC, laptop, PDA, ATM, or telephone/smartphone.