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Israwati Akib
Maulidya Permatasari
Sitti Maryam
Supratman Tajuddin


Business is a means that provides opportunities for a person or group of entrepreneurs. Every business run by entrepreneurs must basically have a special strategy to develop their business. One of the methods that has become a business measurement trend in the current era of globalization is the trend of assessment or assessment aspects. This assessment aspect method can be used as a reference to measure the extent to which the business is in demand by the community. This assessment aspect comes from the assessment of various components that are also related to the community or consumers. This assessment aspect is interesting to study in business feasibility in the current era of competition and is the biggest reason for researchers to choose this theme so that it can attract business people to implement it in finding solutions to business feasibility. This research uses a qualitative analytical method. The approach used is the Stage of Assessment Aspect Analysis, namely, technical, management, financial, economic, marketing, social, legal, and environmental as well as the Stages of Business Feasibility, namely collecting data, processing data and drawing conclusions. The existence of these two mechanisms helps the business to be categorized as a feasible business or not.

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